Texas* — a whole different asterisk
In true boastful Texas “we are better than anyone else” fashion, Gov. Rick Perry on Friday suggested the liberal control of the White House was reason for Texas to consider seceding from the Union (I’m not making this up).
Gov. Perry reminded us that Texas used to be a separate Republic (true, in the biggest land grab in North American history the Texans stole it from another country – Mexico); and he thinks it can legally secede (this is what happens when the lawyer isn’t consulted before going public).
He forgot that last time they tried that was from 1861-1865 and it did not turn out so well – 618,000 Americans died.
Here’s my suggestion to Gov. Perry: Just put an asterisk next to Texas’ name and say it is really a whole different country, but the stupid BCS rules don’t allow it. Yeah.
Still there would be bad news for the Longhorns: If Texas were a different country, then the Longhorns finished second last year to “National” Champion Texas Tech. — Mike