Impromptu fashion show erupted on Owen Field on Saturday night
Greetings, dear Sooner People!
Apparently a small brouhaha broke out this weekend. A little well-dressed bird named Pierre told me that the Sooner Nation was so brilliantly attired that the ensuing excitement caused the gridiron to be rushed in an impromptu fashion show on Saturday night.
I guess the need to show Alabamians how to dress was so desperately needed that it could not wait! Though I do appreciate the enthusiasm, I do need to remind you that we should act like we have presented ourselves outstandingly before. Especially when wearing heels. That turf is murder on Louis Vuitton red.
Now we look forward to this week. And, darlings, I’ve no patience for another striped villain of the feline persuasion. We all know: orange is a no-no, real fur is also a no-no. Creative naming of mascots should be, like a good visit to the powder room,a oui-oui. I shall write the SEC posthaste.
Therefore, I leave you with some final thoughts on the past Sooner Fashion season.
Remember, little dumplings, though we may have failed in some areas, we have looked stunning even when all other things seem drear. We have shone bright in our Crimson and Cream when those around us, slumped around in orange, both burnt and pumpkin hued, not realizing that their very facade labels them losers, winning team or not.
So as your beloved Fashionista jets off to parts unknown to prepare for the next défilé de mode that is our football season next fall, I leave you with these thoughts:
“It is better to be looked over than overlooked.” – Mae West
“Imagine your life without fashion or the Sooners. Now slap yourself and never do it again.”
-The Sooner Fashionista
Ciao, til 2025!