Norman, Oklahoma USA

Fashionista: What the Voles (sic) are bringin’


The Fashionista Visits Tennessee: Where Knobby Knees meet Small Mammals

Howdy do, my gawgeous Sooner Fashionistas! So glad to be back with you this wonderful weekend when we are going to discuss down home, country and western, Dollywood loving Knoxville, TN, that “scruffy little city” that is home to the Tennessee Voles, the cute little mammal that oft gets confused with a mole.

They do present just the most adorable little mascot!

Your Madame Fashionista has done her research of the fashion down Knoxville way and come to this very unfortunate conclusion: bony knees and high, bleach blonde, coiffed hair are the look.

Though this latter fad is fine when Auntie Dolly tries it, she is the ONLY one that should make that attempt. The knobby knees make an appearance when torn jeans with holes right over the patella are worn. Though the fashion is crude, you shouldn’t judge. That’s my job, of course.

However, I’m not sure how we expect a small rodent to know how to dress. Unless of course it has the tutelage of your beloved Fashionista.

So until next week, keep wearing that Crimson and Cream! Ciao.

* This fashionista has just been told that Tennessee Voles are actually Vols, short for Volunteers. If this be the case they should all Volunteer to begin to sew up the holes over their knees and bring their hair down a notch.

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