Norman, Oklahoma USA

Fashionista: Cougar fashion is tricky


Best not to get labeled a ‘desperate older woman’

Greetings all you lovely guys and dolls of the Sooner nation. 

I’m happy to tell you it’s time to move from aviary predator chic to mammalian predator chic.  Yes, dears, this week we discuss Houston and the Cougars. 

And if there is anything I can truly relate to it’s these predators with sharp nails and keen eyes to pounce just when the right prey is in sight.  Young, fabulous prey that can keep a middle-aged Cougar on her toes.  Not too young of course.  Anyone under 21 is strictly verboten and this fashionista does not approve, Mrs. Robinson.

Just so, Cougar fashion is tricky.  One must be willing to show just enough skin to entice but leave just a little enough covered, so if he needs a mothering figure, one is there. 

A nice skirt with a high slit perhaps.  A snug button up shirt with a few unbuttoned to entice, but not display in vulgarity.

I do have to point out that all of this should be done tastefully lest we slip out of the label “Cougar” and into the label “desperate older woman”.  

What? Oh dear.  My assistant has just informed me that Cougar in this instance means the large cat. 

Well, I can’t help you with that.  I detest fur.

Until next time, my darlings! Ciao.

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