Norman, Oklahoma USA

Fashionista: SEC brings new reason to dress up


Temple Owls bring feathery look

Hello all you Sooner Fashion Folk! It’s your old gal pal the Sooner Fashionista to help you navigate the twist and turns that can be so Fashionatingly Frustrating: Football Season here in the great state of Oklahoma! 

Yes, your fashionista has started creating words.  One has to be on their toes to make a splash in the middle of this very important time of year.  This year we will be discussing:

How the SEC’s Us.  Each week will bring a new reason to dress properly for the season.

However, this week, we get an easy start.  We face an opponent who isn’t even in the SEC.  They are in the AAC conference.  Aac, Ack, Eek and Eww is right.  We begin with Temple, the Owls from some place up North.  Who really cares? 

They rely on sweaters and tuques up that way.  I mean, how Canadian!  Or in this case, Can’t-nadian.

It would seem, as their mascot shows, that the fashion up that way must represent feathers.  Possibly talons and beaks as ritualistic jewelry. 

Talk about passe.  That went out with Lewis and Clark, darlings.  Whenever your competition relies on feathery frippery adorned with druidic relics, possibly to call upon heathen god’s, anything in Crimson and Cream will pull you waaaay further ahead on the road to chic flavor sensation of the Oklahoma kind.

You needn’t worry your gorgeous little heads.  Just sit back and enjoy the game while the Owls set their Wicker Men on fire and throw Tootsie Pops on the flames as sacrifices in hopes they can win. Word to the wise (Wise. Owls.  Get it.): They can’t.

See you next week darlings, as we move south to Houston and the Cougars!  Now that will be a fashion challenge.  Or will it?

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