Norman, Oklahoma USA

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Rule 1: Don’t piss off the tubas


My take on the Pride of Oklahoma controversy

Imagine a dozen giant elephants wearing kilts and guzzling from beer steins, all the while singing a gaelic song consisting entirely of two notes pronounced repetitively.

“Oom pah, oom pah, oom pah”. And then repeat for 24 more measures of music.mikesblog

Then imagine this same troop of normally affable musicians of the animal kingdom all pissed off and stampeding.

That’s the Pride of Oklahoma tuba section this week. They boycotted band practice on Monday in protest of Director Justin Stolarik’s unpopular changes to the band.

This is a big deal. The fact the tuba section brought this attention to themselves is a big deal. Usually this group goes about their business without regard to any recognition or notice from the rest of the world.

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