Norman, Oklahoma USA

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Fashionista: Overalls for banjos and beer


Hello, my loves!  Welcome to the weekly offering from your friendly football fashion plate: ME!  

It is with a sad heart that I inform you that after much thought, deliberation and research out the wazoo I have come to the following conclusion. Instead of leading you down said Alabam-ian Primrose Path, I will share with you the only fashion I could possibly glean from the folks that associate a Crimson Tide with an elephant:

Overalls with no shirt underneath. Trucker caps. Forrest Gump. Banjos and beer.

Even I, your Magician-ista of modern Mode, the Sooner Fashionista, herself, cannot Harry Potter the Hell out of this makeup.

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Fashionista: Maine lobster a stress free meal


Hello, my fine Sooner fellows!  Fear not, your fashionista is here and even though there may be chins dragging and heads hanging low right now, cheer up, Charlies! 

The darkest night comes just before the dawn!  The sun will shine again and your wardrobe will reflect the sheer elegance of the coming times. 

This week we will showcase our fine fashion fleekness in the state of Mr. Stephen King himself: Maine. 

Fitting seeing as this is the week before Halloween.  This is a state that is known for odd accents and even odder outfits.  How does one dress to catch lobsters?  I’ll not even address the earflaps on toques, dear me, no.

I do know most of us know how to don our regalia when feasting on the fine red fishy things drenched in butter however.  With a bib?  I’m in jest, surely you realize.  No trendy advisor would even suggest such a thing and I shan’t either.

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Donning the Sooner duds for Dixie land


Good day, my Sooner Lovelies!  I know the world seems to be whirling around us right now and we feel that everytime we wind up on the Gridiron Runway of Life, our wonderful creations are being shredded before us. 

We must not let this make our lovely dimpled chins drop, nor our wonderfully coiffed heads hang.  Sooner fashion will live forever tasteful and classic!

So to lift our spirits we’ll begin today with some lyrics known well by the guests we’ll visit this week.

I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten,

Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.

This, of course, is the ditty known as Dixie or Dixie Land and is known throughout the Southern regions of our fair country.  This week we will be visiting the Ol’ Miss in Mississippi.

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