The Adventures of Soonerguy
In the tiny village of Toadlick Township, a special event is held once a year. An athletic affair accentuating amphibian arts that attracts comers from all corners of the tri-town area.
The Toadlick Toad Twitch and Twerk Tournament. (No frogs allowed due to that undignified incident of ’93).
This year’s gala is turning out to be the best ever with little Myron Moroni’s pet toad, Tildy, set to dance and leap her way into a three-peat. Myron’s mother, Myrtle has been helping her baby boy prep himself and his pet polliwog just as she has for the last 53 years.
But this year in this small square of the Sooner Nation, trouble is brewing. A newcomer is threatening to overtake the competition.