The Adventures of Soonerguy
Previously on the Adventures of Soonerguy:
“Ow! My eye!”
Our Adventurous Avenger (not to be confused with those other guys) was completely overcome with cats, corn and contemptuous contestants of the toady type. He was covered in fur, grits and warts! He was facing a veritable rogues gallery of foes: The Wildcat, King Corn, and The Toad!
Luckily, Soonerguy is well-skilled in Sooner-jitsu, an ancient martial art known only by Soonerguy himself and the inner circle of the secret cabal of devotees within the notorious Sooner Skull and Bones. With a double tuck jump and a flying scissor kick to a whiskered face one of his foes flies backward!
“Jump back, Toad,” Soonerguy commands, as the rotten ribbiter springs forward to land at Soonerguy’s feet. But the beady-eyed baddie is no longer looking at him. He’s glaring over our hero’s shoulder. Soonerguy turns to face the new nemesis behind him.